These are crazy times we’re livin’ in!

Good grief. The last time I wrote on this site, we were just starting to hear about the Corona virus. And now, we’re in “The Crazies”! Yeah, the above picture is from a movie, not real life, but it’s tough to tell, ain’t it?

Lockdowns, job loss, school closures; it’s like a horror movie! I’ve been lucky so far; I work in a pharmacy, and so we’re considered “essential”. Not that we’ve gotten much out of it. They take our temperature as soon as we’re in the door, masks must be worn at all times, hand sanitizer is everywhere, and people use wipes and sprays to keep their areas clean. We all hate it. Everyone is doing it though, because we need our jobs, and our health.

This is why I don’t understand the people walking around without masks on, still going out to eat, still having parties, still taking their vacation at the beach. And then they want to complain that businesses are closed, there’s no sporting events taking place, and their kids are at home and driving them crazy. Well, if you do what you need to now, they probably won’t have to do it next year, so GET A FUCKING CLUE!!!!!

I hate politics, and so I try not to even get involved in conversations about it, but we also have a president who is clueless and pig-headed, and thinks rules don’t apply to him. Talk about setting a bad example!

I go to two or three horror conventions every year, and follow a few more, and every single one of them got cancelled, except one. One that used to be my favorite. I’m not even going to name it because I don’t want people looking it up and going to it. It used to be a great show, ran by great people. Now it’s headed by an idiot who is just out for money. Hence, having a convention during a global pandemic! I heard conflicting stories about it, but my reliable sources say that it was a ghost town, and everything was awkward AF. The table photo ops I saw online were cringe-worthy. I only mention this convention because it’s people like this guy who puts money over people.

PEOPLE ARE DYING at an alarming rate here! People are scared, people are worried, and we’re being led by a man who is in reality just a large, stupid, petulant child! No wonder the numbers started going back up when it got warmer! We had almost flattened the curve, but here came all the Karens and Kens, dragging their kids with them to the beach, no masks, no distancing, eating out, taking selfies. You know, if it was only these dumbasses dying, I’d be like, oh well, thin the heard! But it isn’t; they’re infecting other people, and it has to stop.

Anyway, I’m only writing to keep in practice, and to kind of vent. I really hope you and yours are doing well. Stay safe, be smart, and maybe we’ll all come through this horrible time soon. xoxo

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